HSEB result of Management and Humanities 2071 in coming days

HSEB is likely to publish HSEB result of Management and Humanities 2071 in coming days.Results of science stream was published on 30 august 2014.Of the total 36, 727 examinees who appeared the 10+2 science exams in May under regular category, 25,836 students have passed the exams.Under the regular category 70.43% students have passed the exams. Similarly, under exempted category, 2,621 out of 6842 students have passed the exams. Under exempted category, seven students’ exams have been cancelled.

Some of the ways to views HSEB +2 Management and Humanities results as follows:
1. http://hseb.ntc.net.np/
2. http://results.ekantipur.com/
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About Dinesh Lamichhane

आफ्नो परिचय खोज्नको लागी भौतारिरहेको एक आम मान्छे । भाग्यमा भन्दा कर्ममा बिश्वास गर्छु । परिचय सँगै जिवन लाई पनि बुझ्दैछु, र आफुलाई खुशी राख्ने सक्दो कोसिस गरिरहेको हुन्छु । नयाँ नयाँ ठाँउहरु घुम्न धेरै मन पर्छ । अँ कहिले काँहि मनमा लागेजति कुराहरु लेख्ने गर्छु र लेखेको कुराहरु यहि राखेको हुन्छु । हेरेपछी सुझाव दिन नबिर्सनुहोला ।


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