BBS has gotten better

BBS has gotten better

Pandey says that while the BBA focuses on a practical education, the BBS focuses on core management education. A BBA student needs to study 42 different subjects in four years (eight semesters), while a BBS student studies just 20 subjects during the period.

When the BBA was introduced some 15 years ago, there was a general perception that BBS would gradually have to cede ground to the new major. People thought that the BBA would eventually wipe out BBS. However, that never came to pass, and today BBS is still popular among students; and after Tribhuvan University (TU) last year made it a four-year programme, from the earlier three-year one, the attraction for it has increased even more.

According to Bishnu Hari Pandey, Chief Executive Officer of Everest College, Kathmandu, both the BBA and BBS programmes have their own respective markets. He believes that if the practical aspect is added to a BBS course, there is not much difference between a BBA and a BBS. Pandey says that while the BBA focuses on a practical education, the BBS focuses on core management education. A BBA student needs to study 42 different subjects in four years(eight semesters), while a BBS student studies just 20 subjects during the period. “Because fewer subjects are taught in the BBS, the progamme’s students can focus on getting in-depth knowledge of their subjects,” says Pandey, who is also the Chief Executive Officer at Premier College.

“And because we provide equal access during the internship opportunities we provide for our BBS students, they get a lot of practical exposure.” He says that the students from his college can intern at the Chaudhary Group, NMB Bank and Century Commercial Bank, among others. Similarly, the colleges have tie ups with Banglore University, Southern Cross University, Australia, and Waiariki Institute of Technology, New Zealand, among others; the students also have the opportunity to transfer credits to these institutions abroad.

Bishnu Bhusal, programme coordinator for the BBS and BA at Trinity College, says that the four-year BBS programme gives due priority to practical education, and this shapes up the students better for the demands of the market. “Now BBS students get an equal level of exposure to the BBA students,” he says.

The BBS education providers believe that the lower fee structure is also a pull factor. A student can get four years of BBS education for just Rs 180,000, which is almost half of what it costs to get a BBA. Until a few years ago, a BBS student would have problems getting admission to foreign colleges after graduation, mostly because the course was only a three-year one. “Now the BBS and BBA have the same equivalency,” says Mohan Adhikari, principal at Campion College.

source: the kathmandu post,13 Nov 2014
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